AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. These machines can be trained to perform tasks such as image and speech recognition, decision making, and language translation. 

AI can be divided into two categories: narrow or weak AI, which is designed to perform a specific task, and general or strong AI, which has the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can.

Narrow or weak AI

Narrow or weak AI refers to artificial intelligence that is designed to perform a specific task. It is also known as “limited AI” or “applied AI”.

Examples of this type of AI include virtual personal assistants like Siri or Alexa, which are specifically designed to understand and respond to voice commands, or self-driving cars, which are specifically designed to navigate roads and avoid obstacles.

These AI systems are trained and optimised for a particular set of tasks and are not capable of going beyond their designed capabilities. They are typically designed to work within a specific context and can’t perform other general tasks.

Strong AI

Strong AI, also known as general AI, refers to artificial intelligence that has the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can. It is a hypothetical form of AI that can truly understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can, and can be used flexibly across a wide range of tasks.

A system with strong AI would be able to think, learn and reason like a human, and could potentially be capable of consciousness. It would be able to understand and respond to complex questions, make decisions, solve problems, and learn from experience, just like a human can.

Currently, there are no systems that exhibit strong AI capabilities, most of the existing AI systems are narrow AI that are designed to perform specific tasks. However, the development of strong AI is an active area of research in the field of artificial intelligence.

Using AI

There are many ways that AI is being used in various industries today. Some examples include:

  • Healthcare: AI is being used to analyse medical images, assist with diagnoses, and predict patient outcomes. It is also used in drug discovery and clinical trial management.
  • Finance: AI is being used for fraud detection, risk management, and portfolio optimization. It is also used in algorithmic trading and credit scoring.
  • Retail: AI is being used for personalised product recommendations, automated customer service, and supply chain management.
  • Automotive: AI is used in self-driving cars for object recognition, path planning, and decision making.
  • Entertainment: AI is used in video games, animation, and music generation.
  • Agriculture: AI is being used to optimise crop yields, detect pests and diseases, and manage irrigation systems.
  • Manufacturing: AI is used in predictive maintenance, quality control and robot control.
  • Cyber security: AI is used to detect threats, and protect systems and networks.

These are just a few examples of the ways in which AI is being used today. As technology continues to advance, the use of AI is expected to become even more widespread, with new applications being developed in a variety of fields.

Accessing AI

There are several ways to access AI, depending on the type of AI you are looking to use:

  • Develop your own AI model: You can use programming languages such as Python, R, and Java to develop your own AI model. There are several popular AI libraries and frameworks available, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn. This approach allows you to have full control over the model and its capabilities, but it requires a significant amount of technical expertise and resources.
  • Use pre-trained AI models: There are pre-trained AI models available for a wide range of tasks, such as image and speech recognition, language translation, and natural language processing. These models can be used as is or fine-tuned for your specific use case. Some popular pre-trained models include BERT, GPT-3, and ResNet.
  • Cloud-based AI services: Many companies, such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, offer cloud-based AI services that can be accessed through an API. These services can be used to perform tasks such as image and speech recognition, language translation, and natural language processing. They are often easy to use and don’t require extensive technical expertise.
  • AI-powered software: There are also a wide range of AI-powered software applications available for various tasks. Some examples include chatbots, automated customer service, and personalised product recommendations. These applications can be used out-of-the-box, and are typically easy to use.
  • Hire AI experts or companies: You can also hire AI experts or companies to develop and implement AI solutions for your business. This approach allows you to leverage the expertise of professionals to quickly implement AI solutions and achieve your business goals.

Ultimately, the best way to access AI will depend on your specific needs and resources.

Is AI safe to use?

The safety of AI is an important and complex issue that is widely debated. While AI has the potential to be used for many beneficial purposes, it also poses certain risks, for example:

Bias: AI models can perpetuate and even amplify biases that are present in the data they are trained on. This can lead to unfair decisions and outcomes.

Privacy: AI can be used to collect and analyse large amounts of data, which can raise concerns about privacy and security.

Job Automation: AI-powered automation could displace jobs and lead to economic disruption, particularly in industries that rely on manual labour.

General AI: with the progress in AI research and technology, the development of general AI, which has the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human can, may pose new risks and challenges.

These are just a few examples of the risks associated with AI, however, it’s important to note that many of these risks can be mitigated by implementing appropriate safety measures, regulations and governance frameworks, and by promoting transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems.

It’s also important to note that AI has the potential to bring many benefits, and can help us solve many complex problems and challenges. So, the question of whether AI is safe is not a simple one and requires a nuanced understanding of the risks and benefits of the technology.

The use of AI on websites

AI is already widely used on websites today, for example;

Text generation: AI can be trained to generate written text based on a given prompt or set of inputs. This can be used to generate news articles, social media posts, product descriptions, and other types of written content.

Summarization: AI can be used to automatically summarise long articles or documents into shorter versions, making them more easily digestible for readers.

Language translation: AI can be used to automatically translate written text from one language to another, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

Content creation: AI can be used to generate unique and engaging content for websites, social media, and other digital platforms.

Content Optimization: AI can be used to optimise the written content for the Search Engine Optimisation, making the content more discoverable for the audience.

It’s worth noting that AI-generated content is not always perfect, and there may be errors or inconsistencies in the output. Human editors may still need to review and edit the content generated by AI to ensure accuracy and quality.


The entirety of the article above was generated using AI… this bit is us 🙂

We used and basically asked open ended questions. We did have to make some minor edits, mainly vocabulary from US English to British English (but of course we used an automated service for that too).

Having already used AI on a number of projects we have worked on; most notably language translation services using machine learning and chatbots integrated into the likes of Intercom. We can certainly see the benefits of using AI in terms of automating tasks and improving efficiency. 

From a content perspective, when sitting down with a blank piece of paper to write copy for your website or blog using AI is a great starting point, but with limitations. 

As the main body of this article states “AI can be used to generate unique and engaging content for websites, social media, and other digital platforms” but “AI-generated content is not always perfect, and there may be errors or inconsistencies in the output. Human editors may still need to review and edit the content generated by AI to ensure accuracy and quality.”

It’s also important to keep in mind AI won’t capture your brands ‘tone of voice’ and pattern of telling your story, so even using AI as a starting point user generated content is still king in our books.

For the time being we will continue to keep a close eye on developments and use AI services where it makes sense i.e. automating tasks which improve efficiency and help keep costs down.

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