Client Requirements
Our third project with The Tenth Man . . . working on their own agency website. Collaborating with another creative agency is always a great experience (getting insights to each other’s processes, practices and methodology).
As always the team at The Tenth Man were incredible to work with – generous with their time and thoughts. We started by researching some of the top creative agencies in the world for ‘best in class’ direction while at all times keeping in mind the very ethos of The Tenth Man “a desire to be the ‘anti-agency’ agency”.
The Tenth Man wanted to be bold in colour, typography and content – being a portfolio website it is heavy on imagery and video content. Therefore, it was important to us at Big Dog that this did not impact performance. The framework is extremely light running only essential functions and plugins, extra care and effort to ensure content is optimised but still impactful all helped ensure a fully green score board on Google Page Insights and Lighthouse.